Cheque Management
Title- Cheque Management [Hindi]
Description- In almost every business, cheque books of multiple banks are used for transactions. Due to which managing those cheques becomes hectic and time consuming.
With respect to these problems, Marg has developed a new cheque management system through which u can accurately and easily maintain cheques and cheque books of each bank.
Now, why would you want to use cheque management system?
Well, Transactions through cheque take place in every business and we have to generate manual eateries for it in a register or excel. Later on if u need to check the no of available cheques, the no of advance cheques, the no of PDC available, how many cheques are unreconciled, how many are reconciled, how many outdated cheque & dishonored cheques are available, so its almost impossible to keep track of these figures. The Cheque management system in marg, can easily maintain these information all together in a single window. And u can export it to excel if required.
Keyword- Cheque Management,Cheque Management System,Cheque,