Cloud Backup
Title- Google Drive | One Drive | Cloud Backup [Hindi]
Description- Save your data from any virus attack, save your backup on Google Drive or One Drive in Marg Erp
Generally, the software backup is stored either in pen drive or hard disk. In such cases, the chances of data loss increases as the pen drive/hard disk can be stolen or can get crashed.
In order to secure the data, Marg ERP has come up with a provision of Cloud Backup in which the user can upload the data online and directly store it in google drive or one drive
With the help of Cloud Backup option, the user can also access the data from anywhere and restore the backup as per the requirement.
Keyword- google drive backup,one drive backup,cloud backup,cloud backup in marg erp,backup data on cloud in marg,upload backup on one drive,marg backup on one drive,store marg bacup on google drive,Backup on one drive,backup data in marg,backup marg data online,secure data,upload marg data online,upload backup on google drive,keep data safe,cloud backup in marg,