Account Groups & Ledgers
Title- Account Groups [Hindi]
Description- An Account Group is a broad level categorization under which similar types of accounts are grouped under one head. Grouping of accounts helps in determining efficient compliant reports.
Basically, Account Group is used to Create/Modify/Delete the Account Group. Account Group refers to the accounts like expenses, Bank details, cash details, etc. Account Group displays the total number of the Account Groups along with their sub-groups which are being created in the Marg ERP Software.
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Keyword- Account Groups,Account,Groups,Account Groups Creation,
Title- Account Groups & Ledgers [Hindi]
Description- A ledger can be applied to use in all kinds of Accounting Vouchers including Payments, Purchase, Receipts, Sales, etc. that are classified under ledger accounts. The appropriate classification of all ledgers into suitable Groups is important for appropriateness of Accounting.
For further detailed information kindly watch the video, subscribe to Marg Tutorial YouTube channel and press the bell icon to stay updated with our latest videos or you can also contact us.
Help line: +91 11 30969600 , +91-11-66969600
Marg Help:
Book Demo: +91 9999 999 364
Keyword- Account Groups & Ledgers,Groups,Ledgers,Account groups,Account,